samedi 12 octobre 2013

The Plymoth plantation posted by Théo Schirch and Diane Laurent

Today we took the bus to go to Plymouth but it unfortunately broke down .... By chance we could take another bus and go to the Plymoth plantation (, we formed groupes and visited that charming place. It was really a time travel :

we talked with english people of the 17th century and with Ameridians, the Wampanoags. They wore traditional clothing and spoke about their lives.

We interwied an Ameridian :
-Where are you born ?
-I'm born in a reserve , where there is my family. I often go there to see them.
-What is your native language ?
-It's the Wampanoag. I have learned English later.
-What means the name "Wampanoag" ?
-That means "people of the dawn", it's our name because we live in the east  of America.
-Do you like your job ?
-I do, I think people can discover a little bit of the Wampanoag culture thanks to my job
-What do you especially love in the Wampanoag culture ?
-The food : we eat a lot of maizes, beans, squashes and fishes and we have a lot of really excellent specialties.

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